User Stories: Pontus


I kinda realized that there are no right or wrong way to break in denim. Just wear them and love them. They will be great regardless

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– I’ve broken in many a pair of dry denim, so with this pair I was aiming for never, or at least 12 months. That didn’t happen, but I wore them for five months straight, with no exception, before my son smeared curry sauce all over my lap. However, I was really satisfied with how they turned out. And I kinda realized that there are no right or wrong way to break in denim. Just wear them and love them. They will be great regardless, since they reflect what you’ve been through.

– A few repairs here and there, but nothing big, really. I had a cocktail umbrella jammed into my leg at one point, but that only left a permanent mark on me, and being a father takes it toll on knees. These Grim Tims are probably the best pair of denim I ever owned.

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Revived from the past, these jeans are crafted from deadstock fabrics. Each pair is a patchwork of history, reinvented to create a modern fit with a vintage soul.

Re-use Kaihara Selvage
The Nudie Jeans Guide to Selvage Denim

To claim that we love selvage denim would be quite an understatement. Calling it love wouldn't be fair because it's too important for us to call it just that.