User Stories: Martin Sandklef


Here’s Martin’s High Kai Recycle Dry Navy. Reckless living, holes and a whole lot of repairs. This is what love looks when you put in 6 months of everyday wear.

– These were my go-to pair of jeans pretty much every day for 6 months. I did everything in them, and I might have exaggerated it a bit just to break them in perfectly. In my opinion, I did a pretty decent job. I’m particularly proud of the fact that all repairs are done by me.

– I got them from the Vallgatan Repair Shop in the spring of 2012, and in November I turned them inside-out and threw them in the washing machine for the first time. 60 °c, no-bleach detergent. Nowadays, I can’t even wear them half a day without them breaking. It’s a shame, really.

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Revived from the past, these jeans are crafted from deadstock fabrics. Each pair is a patchwork of history, reinvented to create a modern fit with a vintage soul.

Re-use Kaihara Selvage
The Nudie Jeans Guide to Selvage Denim

To claim that we love selvage denim would be quite an understatement. Calling it love wouldn't be fair because it's too important for us to call it just that.